Recettes de beauté maison avec l'huile d'argan biologique du Maroc pressée à froid

Recettes de beauté maison avec l'huile d'argan biologique du Maroc pressée à froid - SENTEL BEAUTY

Wax-like Moroccan Organic Oil, often dubbed as "liquid gold," is very nutritious and contains vitamin E, essential fatty acids, and antioxidants. This utility oil is great for do-it-yourself beautifiers, moisturizing and nourishing skin, hair, and nails. For all the beauty lovers who prefer natural solutions, here are some simple and impactful DIY argan oil recipes to try.

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Masques maison pour le visage et les cheveux

Hydrating Argan Oil Face Mask

This mask intensely hydrates dry and sensitive skin, making it feel soft and glowy.

1 tablespoon of argan oil
1 tablespoon honey
½ ripe avocado (mashed)

In a bowl, mix all the ingredients until smooth.
Spread the mask onto your face and allow it to sit for 15–20 minutes.
Pat dry and rinse with warm water.

Deep Conditioning Hair Mask

This mask repairs and smoothens dry, frizzy hair.

2 tablespoons of argan oil
1 egg yolk
1 tablespoon yogurt

Whisk the yolk, then stir in the argan oil and the yogurt.
Run the mixture through wet hair, concentrating on the ends.
Leave on for 30 minutes, and then rinse off with a mild soap.

Lip Balm & Cuticle Care Treatments

Nourishing Lip Balm
This is a super simple DIY lip balm to keep your lips protected against dryness.

1 teaspoon of argan oil
1 tablespoon beeswax (grated)
1 teaspoon coconut oil

Combine the beeswax and coconut oil in a double boiler and melt it down.
Take off the heat and mix in the argan oil.
Transfer it to a small container and let it cool.
Apply to lips as needed.


Cuticle Softening Treatment

This simple treatment is good for keeping your nails strong and your cuticles soft.
1 teaspoon of argan oil
3 drops of vitamin E oil
3 drops of lemon essential oil

Combine the ingredients in a small bowl.
Rub in a couple of drops on your cuticles and nails every day.

Using Argan Oil with Essential Oils
Argan oil is perfect to mix with essential oils for added benefits. A few great combos are:

Glow-Boosting Face Serum

2 tablespoons of argan oil
2 drops of lavender essential oil
2 drops of frankincense essential oil

Combine all the ingredients in a small glass bottle.
Gently apply 2–3 drops on your face before bed.

Relaxing Body Oil

3 tablespoons of argan oil
5 drops ylang-ylang essential oil

In a small bottle, mix the ingredients and shake.
Apply to damp skin after a shower for penetrating moisture.


Faire des recettes de beauté maison avec de l'huile d'argan est une façon amusante et naturelle d'aider votre peau, vos cheveux et vos ongles à être plus beaux et moins coûteux. Que vous ayez besoin d'hydratation, de protection ou de nutrition, ces traitements maison simples offrent des avantages durables. Laissez-vous tenter par l'huile d'argan pure et biologique dans votre programme de beauté dès aujourd'hui !